package showcase
import ""
templ ChartDefault() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantBar,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 19, 12, 5, 2, 3},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
1. Add the script to your page/layout:
// Option A: All components (recommended)
// Option B: Just Chart
2. Use the component:
Bar Chart - Multiple
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartBarMultiple() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantBar,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{12, 19, 12, 5, 2, 3},
Label: "Desktop",
Data: []float64{3, 9, 18, 3, 21, 13},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Bar Chart - Horizontal
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartBarHorizontal() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantBar,
Horizontal: true,
ShowXGrid: true,
ShowYLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 19, 12, 5, 2, 3},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Bar Chart - Negative
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartBarNegative() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantBar,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 19, -12, 5, -2, 3},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Bar Chart - Stacked
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartBarStacked() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantBar,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Stacked: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{12, 19, 12, 5, 2, 3},
Label: "Desktop",
Data: []float64{3, 9, 18, 3, 21, 13},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Line Chart
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartLine() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 3, 9, 3, 12, 7},
Tension: 0.5,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Line Chart - Linear
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartLineLinear() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 3, 9, 3, 12, 7},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Line Chart - Step
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartLineStep() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{12, 3, 9, 3, 12, 7},
Stepped: true,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Line Chart - Multiple
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartLineMultiple() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{12, 3, 9, 3, 12, 7},
Tension: 0.5,
Label: "Desktop",
Data: []float64{7, 14, 12, 21, 2, 9},
Tension: 0.5,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Area Chart
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartArea() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
Tension: 0.5,
BorderWidth: 1,
Fill: true,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Area Chart - Linear
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartAreaLinear() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
BorderWidth: 1,
Fill: true,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Area Chart - Step
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartAreaStep() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
BorderWidth: 1,
Fill: true,
Stepped: true,
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Area Chart - Stacked
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartAreaStacked() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantLine,
ShowYGrid: true,
ShowXLabels: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
BorderWidth: 1,
Fill: true,
Tension: 0.5,
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
BorderWidth: 1,
Fill: true,
Tension: 0.5,
Label: "Mobile",
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Pie Chart
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartPie() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantPie,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Pie Chart - Stacked
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartPieStacked() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantPie,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
Label: "Desktop",
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Pie Chart - Legend
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartPieLegend() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantPie,
ShowLegend: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Doughnut Chart
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartDoughnut() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantDoughnut,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Doughnut Chart - Stacked
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartDoughnutStacked() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantDoughnut,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
Label: "Desktop",
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Doughnut Chart - Legend
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartDoughnutLegend() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantDoughnut,
ShowLegend: true,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
Label: "Mobile",
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Radar Chart
package showcase
import ""
templ ChartRadar() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantRadar,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{3, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);
Radar Chart - Stacked
package showcase
import ""
templ CharRadarStacked() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardContent() {
Variant: components.ChartVariantRadar,
Data: components.ChartData{
Labels: []string{"Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"},
Datasets: []components.ChartDataset{
Data: []float64{15, 9, 3, 12, 7, 8},
Label: "Mobile",
Data: []float64{7, 16, 5, 20, 14, 15},
Label: "Desktop",
package components
import ""
type ChartVariant string
const (
ChartVariantBar ChartVariant = "bar"
ChartVariantLine ChartVariant = "line"
ChartVariantPie ChartVariant = "pie"
ChartVariantDoughnut ChartVariant = "doughnut"
ChartVariantRadar ChartVariant = "radar"
type ChartDataset struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Data []float64 `json:"data"`
BorderWidth int `json:"borderWidth,omitempty"`
BorderColor string `json:"borderColor,omitempty"`
BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"`
Tension float64 `json:"tension,omitempty"`
Fill bool `json:"fill,omitempty"`
Stepped bool `json:"stepped,omitempty"`
type ChartOptions struct {
Responsive bool `json:"responsive,omitempty"`
Legend bool `json:"legend,omitempty"`
type ChartData struct {
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Datasets []ChartDataset `json:"datasets"`
type ChartConfig struct {
Type ChartVariant `json:"type"`
Data ChartData `json:"data"`
Options ChartOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`
ShowLegend bool `json:"showLegend,omitempty"`
ShowXAxis bool `json:"showXAxis"`
ShowYAxis bool `json:"showYAxis"`
ShowXLabels bool `json:"showXLabels"`
ShowYLabels bool `json:"showYLabels"`
ShowXGrid bool `json:"showXGrid"`
ShowYGrid bool `json:"showYGrid"`
Horizontal bool `json:"horizontal"`
Stacked bool `json:"stacked"`
// Erweiterung des ChartProps um ID und Attributes
type ChartProps struct {
ID string
Variant ChartVariant
Data ChartData
Options ChartOptions
ShowLegend bool
ShowXAxis bool
ShowYAxis bool
ShowXLabels bool
ShowYLabels bool
ShowXGrid bool
ShowYGrid bool
Horizontal bool
Stacked bool
Class string
Attributes templ.Attributes
templ Chart(props ...ChartProps) {
{{ var p ChartProps }}
if len(props) > 0 {
{{ p = props[0] }}
// Wenn keine ID gesetzt, generiere eine zufällige
if p.ID == "" {
{{ p.ID = "chart-" + utils.RandomID() }}
{{ canvasId := p.ID + "-canvas" }}
{{ dataId := p.ID + "-data" }}
id={ p.ID }
"chart-container relative",
{ p.Attributes... }
<canvas id={ canvasId } data-chart-id={ dataId }></canvas>
chartConfig := ChartConfig{
Type: p.Variant,
Data: p.Data,
Options: p.Options,
ShowLegend: p.ShowLegend,
ShowXAxis: p.ShowXAxis,
ShowYAxis: p.ShowYAxis,
ShowXLabels: p.ShowXLabels,
ShowYLabels: p.ShowYLabels,
ShowXGrid: p.ShowXGrid,
ShowYGrid: p.ShowYGrid,
Horizontal: p.Horizontal,
Stacked: p.Stacked,
@templ.JSONScript(dataId, chartConfig)
templ ChartScripts() {
{{ handle := templ.NewOnceHandle() }}
@handle.Once() {
<!-- Load Chart.js library -->
<script defer nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) } src=""></script>
<!-- Initialize charts -->
<script nonce={ templ.GetNonce(ctx) }>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const chartInstances = {};
function getThemeColors() {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
return {
foreground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--foreground').trim(),
background: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--background').trim(),
mutedForeground: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--muted-foreground').trim(),
border: computedStyle.getPropertyValue('--border').trim()
function initCharts() {
const colors = getThemeColors();
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-container').forEach(container => {
const canvas = container.querySelector('canvas');
if (!canvas) return;
const dataId = canvas.getAttribute('data-chart-id');
const dataElement = document.getElementById(dataId);
if (!dataElement) return;
if (chartInstances[]) {
const chartConfig = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent);
Chart.defaults.elements.point.radius = 0;
Chart.defaults.elements.point.hoverRadius = 5;
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false,
axis: "xy",
mode: chartConfig.type === "pie" ||
chartConfig.type === "doughnut" ||
chartConfig.type === "bar" ||
chartConfig.type === "radar" ? "nearest" : "index"
indexAxis: chartConfig.horizontal ? "y" : "x",
plugins: {
legend: {
display: chartConfig.showLegend || false,
labels: {
color: colors.foreground
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
bodyColor: colors.mutedForeground,
titleColor: colors.foreground,
borderColor: colors.border,
borderWidth: 1
scales: chartConfig.type === "radar" ? {
r: {
grid: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || true
ticks: {
color: colors.mutedForeground,
backdropColor: 'transparent',
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || true
angleLines: {
color: colors.border,
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || true
pointLabels: {
color: colors.foreground,
font: {
size: 12
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false,
color: colors.border
beginAtZero: true
} : {
x: {
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || chartConfig.showXGrid || chartConfig.showXAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showXAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showXLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showXGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
y: {
offset: true,
beginAtZero: true,
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || chartConfig.showYGrid || chartConfig.showYAxis,
border: {
display: chartConfig.showYAxis || false
ticks: {
display: chartConfig.showYLabels || false,
color: colors.mutedForeground
grid: {
display: chartConfig.showYGrid || false,
color: colors.border
stacked: chartConfig.stacked
chartInstances[] = chart;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
for (let id in chartInstances) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(initCharts, 50);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
document.addEventListener('alpine:initialized', () => {
document.addEventListener('theme-changed', initCharts);