Container for organizing related content and
Card Title
Card Description
Card Content
package showcase
import ""
templ CardDefault() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "max-w-sm"}) {
@components.CardHeader() {
@components.CardTitle() {
Card Title
@components.CardDescription() {
Card Description
@components.CardContent() {
<p>Card Content</p>
@components.CardFooter() {
@components.Button(components.ButtonProps{Text: "Action"})
package components
import ""
type CardImagePosition string
const (
CardImageTop CardImagePosition = "top"
CardImageBottom CardImagePosition = "bottom"
CardImageLeft CardImagePosition = "left"
CardImageRight CardImagePosition = "right"
type CardProps struct {
Horizontal bool // Enables horizontal layout for side images
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Container for organizing related content and
templ Card(props CardProps) {
"w-full rounded-lg border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow-xs",
templ.KV("flex overflow-hidden", props.Horizontal),
{ props.Attributes... }
{ children... }
type CardImageProps struct {
Src string // Image URL
Alt string // Image alt text
Class string // Additional CSS classes
AspectRatio string // Aspect ratio for image
Position CardImagePosition // Image position
Width string // Image width
func imageWidth(width string) string {
if width == "" {
return "w-1/3"
return "w-" + width
// CardImage renders an image section within the card
templ CardImage(props CardImageProps) {
// Border radius based on position
templ.KV("rounded-t-lg", props.Position == CardImageTop),
templ.KV("rounded-b-lg", props.Position == CardImageBottom),
templ.KV("rounded-l-lg", props.Position == CardImageLeft),
templ.KV("rounded-r-lg", props.Position == CardImageRight),
// Width for side images
templ.KV("shrink-0", props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
templ.KV(imageWidth(props.Width), props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
if props.AspectRatio != "" {
style={ "aspect-ratio: " + props.AspectRatio }
src={ props.Src }
alt={ props.Alt }
class="h-full w-full object-cover"
// CardHeader renders the header section of a card.
templ CardHeader() {
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6 pb-0">
{ children... }
// CardTitle renders the title of a card.
templ CardTitle() {
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight">
{ children... }
// CardDescription renders the description of a card.
templ CardDescription() {
<p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
{ children... }
// CardContent renders the main content area of a card.
templ CardContent() {
<div class="p-6">
{ children... }
// CardFooter renders the footer section of a card.
templ CardFooter() {
<div class="flex items-center p-6 pt-0">
{ children... }
With Image Left

Side Image Card
With left-aligned image
This card demonstrates the left image layout.
package showcase
import ""
templ CardWithImageLeft() {
Horizontal: true,
}) {
Src: "/assets/img/card_placeholder.jpeg",
Alt: "Left side image",
Position: components.CardImageLeft,
Width: "1/3",
<div class="flex flex-col flex-1">
@components.CardHeader() {
@components.CardTitle() {
Side Image Card
@components.CardDescription() {
With left-aligned image
@components.CardContent() {
<p>This card demonstrates the left image layout.</p>
package components
import ""
type CardImagePosition string
const (
CardImageTop CardImagePosition = "top"
CardImageBottom CardImagePosition = "bottom"
CardImageLeft CardImagePosition = "left"
CardImageRight CardImagePosition = "right"
type CardProps struct {
Horizontal bool // Enables horizontal layout for side images
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Container for organizing related content and
templ Card(props CardProps) {
"w-full rounded-lg border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow-xs",
templ.KV("flex overflow-hidden", props.Horizontal),
{ props.Attributes... }
{ children... }
type CardImageProps struct {
Src string // Image URL
Alt string // Image alt text
Class string // Additional CSS classes
AspectRatio string // Aspect ratio for image
Position CardImagePosition // Image position
Width string // Image width
func imageWidth(width string) string {
if width == "" {
return "w-1/3"
return "w-" + width
// CardImage renders an image section within the card
templ CardImage(props CardImageProps) {
// Border radius based on position
templ.KV("rounded-t-lg", props.Position == CardImageTop),
templ.KV("rounded-b-lg", props.Position == CardImageBottom),
templ.KV("rounded-l-lg", props.Position == CardImageLeft),
templ.KV("rounded-r-lg", props.Position == CardImageRight),
// Width for side images
templ.KV("shrink-0", props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
templ.KV(imageWidth(props.Width), props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
if props.AspectRatio != "" {
style={ "aspect-ratio: " + props.AspectRatio }
src={ props.Src }
alt={ props.Alt }
class="h-full w-full object-cover"
// CardHeader renders the header section of a card.
templ CardHeader() {
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6 pb-0">
{ children... }
// CardTitle renders the title of a card.
templ CardTitle() {
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight">
{ children... }
// CardDescription renders the description of a card.
templ CardDescription() {
<p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
{ children... }
// CardContent renders the main content area of a card.
templ CardContent() {
<div class="p-6">
{ children... }
// CardFooter renders the footer section of a card.
templ CardFooter() {
<div class="flex items-center p-6 pt-0">
{ children... }
With Image Right
Side Image Card
With right-aligned image
This card demonstrates the right image layout.

package showcase
import ""
templ CardWithImageRight() {
Horizontal: true,
}) {
<div class="flex flex-col flex-1">
@components.CardHeader() {
@components.CardTitle() {
Side Image Card
@components.CardDescription() {
With right-aligned image
@components.CardContent() {
<p>This card demonstrates the right image layout.</p>
Src: "/assets/img/card_placeholder.jpeg",
Alt: "Right side image",
Position: components.CardImageRight,
package components
import ""
type CardImagePosition string
const (
CardImageTop CardImagePosition = "top"
CardImageBottom CardImagePosition = "bottom"
CardImageLeft CardImagePosition = "left"
CardImageRight CardImagePosition = "right"
type CardProps struct {
Horizontal bool // Enables horizontal layout for side images
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Container for organizing related content and
templ Card(props CardProps) {
"w-full rounded-lg border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow-xs",
templ.KV("flex overflow-hidden", props.Horizontal),
{ props.Attributes... }
{ children... }
type CardImageProps struct {
Src string // Image URL
Alt string // Image alt text
Class string // Additional CSS classes
AspectRatio string // Aspect ratio for image
Position CardImagePosition // Image position
Width string // Image width
func imageWidth(width string) string {
if width == "" {
return "w-1/3"
return "w-" + width
// CardImage renders an image section within the card
templ CardImage(props CardImageProps) {
// Border radius based on position
templ.KV("rounded-t-lg", props.Position == CardImageTop),
templ.KV("rounded-b-lg", props.Position == CardImageBottom),
templ.KV("rounded-l-lg", props.Position == CardImageLeft),
templ.KV("rounded-r-lg", props.Position == CardImageRight),
// Width for side images
templ.KV("shrink-0", props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
templ.KV(imageWidth(props.Width), props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
if props.AspectRatio != "" {
style={ "aspect-ratio: " + props.AspectRatio }
src={ props.Src }
alt={ props.Alt }
class="h-full w-full object-cover"
// CardHeader renders the header section of a card.
templ CardHeader() {
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6 pb-0">
{ children... }
// CardTitle renders the title of a card.
templ CardTitle() {
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight">
{ children... }
// CardDescription renders the description of a card.
templ CardDescription() {
<p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
{ children... }
// CardContent renders the main content area of a card.
templ CardContent() {
<div class="p-6">
{ children... }
// CardFooter renders the footer section of a card.
templ CardFooter() {
<div class="flex items-center p-6 pt-0">
{ children... }
With Image Top

Featured Card
With top image
This card shows top image usage.
package showcase
import ""
templ CardWithImageTop() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "w-2/3"}) {
Src: "/assets/img/card_placeholder.jpeg",
Alt: "Card image",
Position: components.CardImageTop,
AspectRatio: "16/9",
@components.CardHeader() {
@components.CardTitle() {
Featured Card
@components.CardDescription() {
With top image
@components.CardContent() {
<p>This card shows top image usage.</p>
@components.CardFooter() {
@components.Button(components.ButtonProps{Text: "Learn More"})
package components
import ""
type CardImagePosition string
const (
CardImageTop CardImagePosition = "top"
CardImageBottom CardImagePosition = "bottom"
CardImageLeft CardImagePosition = "left"
CardImageRight CardImagePosition = "right"
type CardProps struct {
Horizontal bool // Enables horizontal layout for side images
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Container for organizing related content and
templ Card(props CardProps) {
"w-full rounded-lg border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow-xs",
templ.KV("flex overflow-hidden", props.Horizontal),
{ props.Attributes... }
{ children... }
type CardImageProps struct {
Src string // Image URL
Alt string // Image alt text
Class string // Additional CSS classes
AspectRatio string // Aspect ratio for image
Position CardImagePosition // Image position
Width string // Image width
func imageWidth(width string) string {
if width == "" {
return "w-1/3"
return "w-" + width
// CardImage renders an image section within the card
templ CardImage(props CardImageProps) {
// Border radius based on position
templ.KV("rounded-t-lg", props.Position == CardImageTop),
templ.KV("rounded-b-lg", props.Position == CardImageBottom),
templ.KV("rounded-l-lg", props.Position == CardImageLeft),
templ.KV("rounded-r-lg", props.Position == CardImageRight),
// Width for side images
templ.KV("shrink-0", props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
templ.KV(imageWidth(props.Width), props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
if props.AspectRatio != "" {
style={ "aspect-ratio: " + props.AspectRatio }
src={ props.Src }
alt={ props.Alt }
class="h-full w-full object-cover"
// CardHeader renders the header section of a card.
templ CardHeader() {
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6 pb-0">
{ children... }
// CardTitle renders the title of a card.
templ CardTitle() {
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight">
{ children... }
// CardDescription renders the description of a card.
templ CardDescription() {
<p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
{ children... }
// CardContent renders the main content area of a card.
templ CardContent() {
<div class="p-6">
{ children... }
// CardFooter renders the footer section of a card.
templ CardFooter() {
<div class="flex items-center p-6 pt-0">
{ children... }
With Image Bottom
Featured Card
With top image
This card shows top image usage.

package showcase
import ""
templ CardWithImageBottom() {
@components.Card(components.CardProps{Class: "w-2/3"}) {
@components.CardHeader() {
@components.CardTitle() {
Featured Card
@components.CardDescription() {
With top image
@components.CardContent() {
<p>This card shows top image usage.</p>
@components.CardFooter() {
@components.Button(components.ButtonProps{Text: "Learn More"})
Src: "/assets/img/card_placeholder.jpeg",
Alt: "Card image",
Position: components.CardImageBottom,
AspectRatio: "16/9",
package components
import ""
type CardImagePosition string
const (
CardImageTop CardImagePosition = "top"
CardImageBottom CardImagePosition = "bottom"
CardImageLeft CardImagePosition = "left"
CardImageRight CardImagePosition = "right"
type CardProps struct {
Horizontal bool // Enables horizontal layout for side images
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Container for organizing related content and
templ Card(props CardProps) {
"w-full rounded-lg border bg-card text-card-foreground shadow-xs",
templ.KV("flex overflow-hidden", props.Horizontal),
{ props.Attributes... }
{ children... }
type CardImageProps struct {
Src string // Image URL
Alt string // Image alt text
Class string // Additional CSS classes
AspectRatio string // Aspect ratio for image
Position CardImagePosition // Image position
Width string // Image width
func imageWidth(width string) string {
if width == "" {
return "w-1/3"
return "w-" + width
// CardImage renders an image section within the card
templ CardImage(props CardImageProps) {
// Border radius based on position
templ.KV("rounded-t-lg", props.Position == CardImageTop),
templ.KV("rounded-b-lg", props.Position == CardImageBottom),
templ.KV("rounded-l-lg", props.Position == CardImageLeft),
templ.KV("rounded-r-lg", props.Position == CardImageRight),
// Width for side images
templ.KV("shrink-0", props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
templ.KV(imageWidth(props.Width), props.Position == CardImageLeft || props.Position == CardImageRight),
if props.AspectRatio != "" {
style={ "aspect-ratio: " + props.AspectRatio }
src={ props.Src }
alt={ props.Alt }
class="h-full w-full object-cover"
// CardHeader renders the header section of a card.
templ CardHeader() {
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-6 pb-0">
{ children... }
// CardTitle renders the title of a card.
templ CardTitle() {
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight">
{ children... }
// CardDescription renders the description of a card.
templ CardDescription() {
<p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground">
{ children... }
// CardContent renders the main content area of a card.
templ CardContent() {
<div class="p-6">
{ children... }
// CardFooter renders the footer section of a card.
templ CardFooter() {
<div class="flex items-center p-6 pt-0">
{ children... }