Text field that allows users to enter and edit values.
package showcase
import ""
templ InputDefault() {
<div class="w-full max-w-sm">
Type: "email",
Placeholder: "Email",
package components
import ""
type InputType string
const (
InputTypeText InputType = "text"
InputTypePassword InputType = "password"
InputTypeEmail InputType = "email"
InputTypeNumber InputType = "number"
InputTypeTel InputType = "tel"
InputTypeURL InputType = "url"
InputTypeSearch InputType = "search"
InputTypeDate InputType = "date"
InputTypeTime InputType = "time"
InputTypeFile InputType = "file"
type InputProps struct {
Type InputType // Input field type
Placeholder string // Helper text shown when empty
Value string // Current input value
Name string // Form field name
ID string // DOM identifier
Disabled bool // Prevents interaction
Readonly bool // Allows selection only
Required bool // Required
FileAccept string // Allowed file types
HasError bool // Error state styling
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Input renders a styled form input field
templ Input(props InputProps) {
x-ref={ props.ID }
type={ string(props.Type) }
placeholder={ props.Placeholder }
disabled?={ props.Disabled }
readonly?={ props.Readonly }
required?={ props.Required }
name={ props.Name }
if props.Value != "" {
value={ props.Value }
id={ props.ID }
// Layout
"peer flex h-10 w-full px-3 py-2",
// Styling
"rounded-md border border-input bg-background text-sm ring-offset-background",
"file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium file:text-foreground ",
// States
"focus-visible:outline-hidden focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2",
"disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
// Conditional
utils.TwIf("border-destructive ring-destructive", props.HasError),
// Custom
if props.Type == InputTypeFile {
accept={ props.FileAccept }
{ props.Attributes... }
package showcase
import ""
templ InputFile() {
<div class="w-full max-w-sm">
Type: "file",
package components
import ""
type InputType string
const (
InputTypeText InputType = "text"
InputTypePassword InputType = "password"
InputTypeEmail InputType = "email"
InputTypeNumber InputType = "number"
InputTypeTel InputType = "tel"
InputTypeURL InputType = "url"
InputTypeSearch InputType = "search"
InputTypeDate InputType = "date"
InputTypeTime InputType = "time"
InputTypeFile InputType = "file"
type InputProps struct {
Type InputType // Input field type
Placeholder string // Helper text shown when empty
Value string // Current input value
Name string // Form field name
ID string // DOM identifier
Disabled bool // Prevents interaction
Readonly bool // Allows selection only
Required bool // Required
FileAccept string // Allowed file types
HasError bool // Error state styling
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Input renders a styled form input field
templ Input(props InputProps) {
x-ref={ props.ID }
type={ string(props.Type) }
placeholder={ props.Placeholder }
disabled?={ props.Disabled }
readonly?={ props.Readonly }
required?={ props.Required }
name={ props.Name }
if props.Value != "" {
value={ props.Value }
id={ props.ID }
// Layout
"peer flex h-10 w-full px-3 py-2",
// Styling
"rounded-md border border-input bg-background text-sm ring-offset-background",
"file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium file:text-foreground ",
// States
"focus-visible:outline-hidden focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2",
"disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
// Conditional
utils.TwIf("border-destructive ring-destructive", props.HasError),
// Custom
if props.Type == InputTypeFile {
accept={ props.FileAccept }
{ props.Attributes... }
package showcase
import ""
templ InputDisabled() {
<div class="w-full max-w-sm">
Type: "email",
Placeholder: "Email",
Disabled: true,
package components
import ""
type InputType string
const (
InputTypeText InputType = "text"
InputTypePassword InputType = "password"
InputTypeEmail InputType = "email"
InputTypeNumber InputType = "number"
InputTypeTel InputType = "tel"
InputTypeURL InputType = "url"
InputTypeSearch InputType = "search"
InputTypeDate InputType = "date"
InputTypeTime InputType = "time"
InputTypeFile InputType = "file"
type InputProps struct {
Type InputType // Input field type
Placeholder string // Helper text shown when empty
Value string // Current input value
Name string // Form field name
ID string // DOM identifier
Disabled bool // Prevents interaction
Readonly bool // Allows selection only
Required bool // Required
FileAccept string // Allowed file types
HasError bool // Error state styling
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Input renders a styled form input field
templ Input(props InputProps) {
x-ref={ props.ID }
type={ string(props.Type) }
placeholder={ props.Placeholder }
disabled?={ props.Disabled }
readonly?={ props.Readonly }
required?={ props.Required }
name={ props.Name }
if props.Value != "" {
value={ props.Value }
id={ props.ID }
// Layout
"peer flex h-10 w-full px-3 py-2",
// Styling
"rounded-md border border-input bg-background text-sm ring-offset-background",
"file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium file:text-foreground ",
// States
"focus-visible:outline-hidden focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2",
"disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
// Conditional
utils.TwIf("border-destructive ring-destructive", props.HasError),
// Custom
if props.Type == InputTypeFile {
accept={ props.FileAccept }
{ props.Attributes... }
With Label
package showcase
import ""
templ InputWithLabel() {
<div class="w-full max-w-sm grid gap-2">
@components.Label(components.LabelProps{Text: "Email", For: "email"})
ID: "email",
Type: "email",
Placeholder: "Email",
package components
import ""
type InputType string
const (
InputTypeText InputType = "text"
InputTypePassword InputType = "password"
InputTypeEmail InputType = "email"
InputTypeNumber InputType = "number"
InputTypeTel InputType = "tel"
InputTypeURL InputType = "url"
InputTypeSearch InputType = "search"
InputTypeDate InputType = "date"
InputTypeTime InputType = "time"
InputTypeFile InputType = "file"
type InputProps struct {
Type InputType // Input field type
Placeholder string // Helper text shown when empty
Value string // Current input value
Name string // Form field name
ID string // DOM identifier
Disabled bool // Prevents interaction
Readonly bool // Allows selection only
Required bool // Required
FileAccept string // Allowed file types
HasError bool // Error state styling
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Input renders a styled form input field
templ Input(props InputProps) {
x-ref={ props.ID }
type={ string(props.Type) }
placeholder={ props.Placeholder }
disabled?={ props.Disabled }
readonly?={ props.Readonly }
required?={ props.Required }
name={ props.Name }
if props.Value != "" {
value={ props.Value }
id={ props.ID }
// Layout
"peer flex h-10 w-full px-3 py-2",
// Styling
"rounded-md border border-input bg-background text-sm ring-offset-background",
"file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium file:text-foreground ",
// States
"focus-visible:outline-hidden focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2",
"disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
// Conditional
utils.TwIf("border-destructive ring-destructive", props.HasError),
// Custom
if props.Type == InputTypeFile {
accept={ props.FileAccept }
{ props.Attributes... }
Enter your email address for notifications.
Please enter a valid email address
package showcase
import ""
templ InputForm() {
<div class="w-full max-w-sm">
@components.FormItem(components.FormItemProps{}) {
Text: "Email",
For: "email-form",
ID: "email-form",
Type: "email",
Name: "email",
Placeholder: "",
HasError: true,
@components.FormDescription(components.FormDescriptionProps{}) {
Enter your email address for notifications.
Message: "Please enter a valid email address",
Type: "error",
package components
import ""
type InputType string
const (
InputTypeText InputType = "text"
InputTypePassword InputType = "password"
InputTypeEmail InputType = "email"
InputTypeNumber InputType = "number"
InputTypeTel InputType = "tel"
InputTypeURL InputType = "url"
InputTypeSearch InputType = "search"
InputTypeDate InputType = "date"
InputTypeTime InputType = "time"
InputTypeFile InputType = "file"
type InputProps struct {
Type InputType // Input field type
Placeholder string // Helper text shown when empty
Value string // Current input value
Name string // Form field name
ID string // DOM identifier
Disabled bool // Prevents interaction
Readonly bool // Allows selection only
Required bool // Required
FileAccept string // Allowed file types
HasError bool // Error state styling
Class string // Additional CSS classes
Attributes templ.Attributes // Additional HTML attributes
// Input renders a styled form input field
templ Input(props InputProps) {
x-ref={ props.ID }
type={ string(props.Type) }
placeholder={ props.Placeholder }
disabled?={ props.Disabled }
readonly?={ props.Readonly }
required?={ props.Required }
name={ props.Name }
if props.Value != "" {
value={ props.Value }
id={ props.ID }
// Layout
"peer flex h-10 w-full px-3 py-2",
// Styling
"rounded-md border border-input bg-background text-sm ring-offset-background",
"file:border-0 file:bg-transparent file:text-sm file:font-medium file:text-foreground ",
// States
"focus-visible:outline-hidden focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2",
"disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
// Conditional
utils.TwIf("border-destructive ring-destructive", props.HasError),
// Custom
if props.Type == InputTypeFile {
accept={ props.FileAccept }
{ props.Attributes... }