🎉 templUI
The UI Kit for templ.
Welcome to templUI
templUI brings modern, enterprise-grade UI components to the Go ecosystem. Built with Go and Templ, enhanced with Alpine.js, and styled with Tailwind CSS - it's where robust server-side rendering meets elegant client-side interactions.
Our mission is to provide Go developers with a comprehensive toolkit for building beautiful, interactive web applications without compromising on type safety or developer experience.
As an active project under development, we're continuously improving and expanding our component library. Follow our release notes to stay updated with our latest enhancements and features.
Why templUI?
Drawing inspiration from modern UI libraries like shadcn/ui, Pines UI, and daisyUI, we've crafted a solution that brings enterprise-ready, customizable components to the Go ecosystem.
Our components are built with CSP compliance, accessibility, and customization in mind. Each component can be used as-is or adapted to your specific needs, making templUI suitable for both rapid prototyping and production applications.
Vision & Roadmap
While we draw inspiration from established UI libraries, templUI is charting its own course in the Go ecosystem. Our focus is on creating a toolkit that embraces Go's strengths while delivering modern web capabilities.
We're committed to maintaining a balance between powerful features and simplicity, ensuring that templUI remains both capable and approachable. Our roadmap includes expanding our component library, enhancing enterprise features, and continuing to optimize for developer experience.
Built on Strong Foundations
templUI builds upon and extends these excellent technologies:
- Go - Type-safe, efficient server-side development
- Templ - Type-safe templating for Go
- Alpine.js - Lightweight, powerful client-side interactions
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- shadcn/ui - Component design inspiration
- Pines UI - Alpine.js component patterns
- daisyUI - Tailwind component architecture